About Me

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This is a personal perspective of my journey and as a 44yr old woman, this stage in my life calls me to times of reflection and perspective of the lessons learned, some lessons not so easily learned, and where to go from here. .

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Diamonds- Perfection and Flaws

I observed many years ago that when you hold a diamond up to the light, you will find many facets,prisms,and yes sometimes flaws. I was told that you could view the flaws as either good or bad, depending on how you "looked" at it and that flaws in the diamonds are what identifies that diamond from the rest. I can look at my past, present, and future from many perspectives and see the different prisms and the beauty in them, many times I tend to fixate on the flaws to the point that I can't see the "forest for the trees" and lose my bearings. On many of those occasions God has brought this verse to me as a source of comfort and compass to direct my thoughts back on the right path. It is from Isaiah 43:12 "But you are my witness. You're my "handpicked" servant so that you will come to know that I AM and who I am." Ah! Could it be that God created me with my flaws so that,not only will my journey be unique than others to Him,but those flaws would be the thing that would actually draw me to identify who He is and what He is about? As I think about this,I am taught that He handpicked me to serve in areas of my life so that in those experiences , be it joyful or challenging, a state of ease or between a rock and a hard place, these are the places that I will come to know that God "IS" and discover "WHO" He is. I am committing to digging deeper and journaling my thoughts and life experiences through an Isaiah 43 perspective. Feel free to share with me as well.


  1. Beautiful, Lisa. It is amazing to me when I stop to think that I am handpicked by God. He loves us inspite of all of our flaws and mistakes. Some of the things that we think are horrible, He sees as opportunities to teach us more about His character and His love for us, and to make us more like Him.
